Wednesday, September 8, 2021


ASU got an important status-update on measuring how bacteria do in human-facing environments in zero-gravity, Low Earth Orbit.

The deal here is that bacteria are Stowaways, so make the cold equations even colder. They cannot be trusted not to react with the metals and plastics on board - nor indeed on the people. G-d help pregnant women on board. (PS. Cochran sure nailed that one.)

They need to break up biofilms and to neutralise anything surviving the water-filters. I don't know if they've accounted for, say, using copper instead of stainless-steel where the bugs congregate, but knowing where they congregate is the first battle.

Also where is lunar gravity, the bacteria might not be as much of a problem for us canned monkeys, but they'll remain a problem for equipment. Also someday we want hydroponics, which are a whole other can of organics we'll need to learn to ship better.

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