Friday, September 17, 2021

The eugenicist Jew

To follow on Talmud Techani, another way a pro-abortion Jew can ask to join the conversation is to admit that choice isn't his (or her) focus. The Jew can argue that some conceptions are harmful after brought to birth.

I have respect for this stance. A prior blog had respect for Margaret Sanger. I have come to shudder at this stance: it is anti-life, and at the end anti-choice as well. But I still respect it. From the Jewish perspective, the Jews would be arguing if this birth is Good For The Jews.

Although this evil is internally consistent, in its utilitarian basis, it doesn't accord well with Torah. Torah does allow for a death penalty, but it is not a penalty levied against the innocent. I do not find "pre-crime" herein. I should think that if Torah meant to support punching or poisoning an Israelitess for conceiving a child likely to be a burden on Israel, Torah would have said as much.

So if a Jew wishes to join the conversation as a eugenicist, I suggest he not do so as a Jew.

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