Saturday, March 12, 2022

What happens if we win WW3?

As to this "Ukraine" business let us pretend the Baghistan is not taking sides, for this post's purpose. But I'll have to start with a capsule-history.

Laurent Guyénot has some ideas as to Time Immemorial, but we'll not get into any of that. The West started the present violence overthrowing Ukraine's government in 2014, with the "Maidan protests" (riots). Having conquered the place, a lot of American politicians got rich; the Ukrainian people not so much. (And what the hell is up with the bioweapons?)

Putin then embarked upon a programme to retake the Russian parts of the Ukraine, the parts which are actually "frontier" with respect to Moscow. Crimea returned to the Tsardom first. Donbass was more of an open sore, with the Ukrainians and the Russians fighting each other. Putin and the Ukrainians were each hoping to wear each other down, but neither could do that, so the Ukrainians raised the possibility of joining NATO, which - geopolitically - Russia north of Ukraine cannot tolerate. Thus the invasion.

I am not Richard Spencer so I am not supporting the Azov Battalion. I am also not Guyénot: I do not think Byzantinism was wonderful the first time 'round when it was Greek, so I am uninterested in its Slavic fanclub.

There are many ways this can end badly, so here I'll focus on how it might end well ... for the sons of Mitt Romney and of Joseph Biden. What if the united West forces Putin to retreat. Maybe he gets assassinated by his own doodz, Khusro II style. Whatever. Here Russia goes back to where it was under Yeltsin but worse; the long Cold War ends with Russia under Washington's feet - but again, whatever. This post has already stated indifference (for argument's sake) to which East Slav wins the East-Slavic civil war. I'm concerned with what happens over here.

The New Yorker would call this a victory for the West. Ehh. This would be a victory for MasterCard and for all the Western corporations (lately DuckDuckGo) which Took A Stand.

The precedent is even more firmly established that, if you dissent, you are Misinformation and Disinformation. Watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical, a liberal. Oh yeah, "liberals get the bullet too".

So: an oligarchy backed up by street gangs in the name of "antifascism", followed by selective prosecution. That is what the West is fighting for.

But anyway, this post wasn't picking sides. It's just a thought experiment.

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