Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Barack Hussein Obama (mm mm mm) did a strayvoltage thing a decade or so back when he suggested that NASA do "Muslim outreach". His frame of that statement was designed to provoke a reaction among antiIslamic Conservatives; which Conservatives - as usual - obliged.

Well - yeah, Obama was and is a troll. Doesn't mean he was always wrong. The Islamic world had lagged the West for some centuries and, when they made a bid to catch up with the West, they produced a lot of engineers. This proved an expression less of Islam than of the cargo-cult. No Arab state at the time could support such an economy as to hire those engineers so many, to their damnation, joined the Qaeda and finally the Caliphate. Spergs gotta sperg, of whatever culture. Obama - correctly - figured if some autist is going to bomb something, best they (pronouns matter) bomb something into someplace useful and nonharmful to us, like into space.

The United Arab Emirates had allied with the Qaeda in support of the Taliban. Perhaps not to their damnation however. h/t Instapundit (and despite its commenters): seven asteroids. Maybe six asteroids proper; this culminates in a tholin-encrusted outer-system intruder, 269 Justitia. ("The mountain comes to Muhammad", to quote a book which quote sadly didn't make the movie.)

I'll take it. Good for the UAE.

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