Monday, September 9, 2024

Can we stop talking about Darryl Cooper now?

I am not averse to a little bit of historical revisionism, even WW2 revision. But when you've lost the grand master of revisionism, David Cole\Stein...

Those interested in the @martyrmade / Buchanan thesis might also check out Victor Hanson. Or, you know... McMeekin (who has another book out). At least Cooper and Carlson still have, er, Kevin MacDonald. And Vox Day to the extent they're even different people.

One comment, if by Thomas Dalton one of the Kampf translators, is worth raising to some of the mob: that @martyrmade's most-commented excerpt dealt with POWs (which included Jews) and not Osteuropan Jewry en banc. But. To this, given that Himmler was still in the cabinet, we have to add the word "yet".

Tucker Carlson took a big L by hosting this crank.

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