Sunday, September 8, 2024

The crooked path of Arius

Castalia House is serialising the old Cambridge Medieval History. This series was envisioned by that genius JB Bury before the Wars; the first volume came out after several years in 1911. for all their caterwauling still has it; you can start the "Arianism" chapter by Henry M. Gwatkin. (I prefer Eunomian or Anomoean.)

I have looked into Ephrem the Syrian, active in the decades most-involved, AD 330-70. I can verify that whatever "Mar" Ephrem was preaching, it was Eunomian and - also - lies.

Theodore Beale has a take. It is likely the correct take. Excepting that the Creed actually posted at Nicaea is what allowed this voodoo-Christianity, Aurelianism under the shell, to take over the Empire. And that's the creed which Beale supports; not the Theodosian creed affirmed at Chalcedon.

We Christians must keep a watch out for such online "Orthodox" as don't fulfil Orthodoxy. I can but quote Master Cernovich on this one:

A lot of men who couldn’t cut it as political commentators have rebranded as “Orthodox Christians.” Their timelines are full of poison. Jew hate. Repeal the 19th. Holocaust denial. They don’t do charity. Nothing productive. Toxic waste. Fakers.

Some women too I reckon.

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