Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Ganymede, stricken

The Galileian moon Ganymede got hit, barely 500 My after forming. This rolled it around and changed its spin; said spin has since changed to tidal lock, like most moons.

The grand-tacking of Jupiter would indeed have brought its system in contact with the outer asteroids. They say the impactor was twenty times Chicxulub although I know not how they're calculating its velocity. If the 300 km diameter holds up, that's larger than 3 Juno (admittedly small for its time of discovery).

The Europa Clipper won't be visiting this one, and if it owns a 'scope to see Ganymede that'll only be his Jove-face. The Juno orbiter is more an Amalthea visitant. (My proposal of some 4:3:2 Laplacian would also only ever see the Jove-face.) The JUICE is the one that's supposed to be looking at Ganymede all over.

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