Monday, September 16, 2024

"Abû Qays Sirma" did not exist

In continuing with Prof. Lindstedt's ongoing project to (re?)habilitate Abû Qays Sirma, once again I must demur.

At this point I cannot take seriously Prof. Lindstedt on the topic of early Arabic verse. He hasn't the mental tools to evaluate one text in relation to another; either that, or he's lazy (it took me, what, two days to find a Sirma/Hassân parallel, earlier, and I'd never even read Hassân before looking). If Lindstedt's aim were to bolster the historicity of Sîra by the personalities mentioned in it (and I don't know why any infidel would so aim), he is accomplishing the opposite.

He can regain that respect but he'll need to work on it.

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