Thursday, April 23, 2020

As cruel as it sounds

Ace of Spades HQ is today the Kingdom Of Denial, and what would such an empire be without a vizier Joseph: Cruel as this may sound, 60,000 deaths - if that number can even be trusted - cannot, does not and never will justify destroying the lives of 331,000,000 citizens... So, this sentiment.

The lockdown is not, of course, destroying the lives of 331 million. Some of our new shut-ins are even better off, not having to deal with peers who bully them. Others have simply shifted. So here we go again, raking HBDchick's Twitter to present a more-or-less seamless case for not ignoring the obvious.

I agree some lives have been harmed by the lockdown, yes; many of which lives had existing social comorbidities. I feel comfortable using the term "social comorbidity" to this sect of "conservatism", which has waved off sixty thousand deaths (assuredly more than that - and didn't it used to be five hundred deaths?) and hasn't even mentioned the permanent maiming of hundreds of thousands more.

Going a few months without employment is terrible. Dying of Corona is also terrible. The case-fatality alone is trimming eleven years off peoples' lives. Covid is trimming years off survivors' lives too, given the horror-movie effects of this disease (here is how the virus acts). On cost / benefit of going Sweden, versus continuing the efforts to fight this thing: here is University of WY on the maths. Also to be noted is that many states which did the lockdown, including mine (if a little late), are doing better now.

As for where we go from here, this paper suggests 'intermittent lockdown'. Also, mass testing (I don't give a damn if you call me a 'fascist', I haven't been a libertarian in over a decade).

What is NOT on the table is denying the problem, nor in shifting to an anti-life stance such as a conservative would never apply to frightened pregnant women thinking "my life is destroyed".

Fortunately for the cause of life, most Americans agree with me, even most Rightists, and they won't be convinced otherwise at this rate.

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