Monday, February 1, 2021

Fixing Y'all-Qaeda

We suffer a domestic extremist problem in these United States today, and half of it is Rightist. To handle the latter half, with the big o' Hat Tip to Michael Cernovich: Kevin Carroll.

I disclose: I am wholly unconcerned with the supposed "fascism" which Carroll moots especially given his creepy suggestion #2. I am foremost concerned with the Right's medical denialism - with its callous libertarianism. To give an example with a sturdier definition than "fascism", I might think that Biblical / Quranic literalism is wrong and indeed personally annoying, but neither fundamentalism has slain 450000 people in America this last year. As the anti-mask movement has done.

Cernovich, apparently triggered by Carroll's rage into a rage of his own, as of this evening is ginning up a #cancel mob claiming that Carroll and his rag the Washington Examiner wants conservatives to be killed in drone strikes. Fortunately for us all Carroll has proposed some policies, numbering five. None of these five propose drone strikes on Montana. Cerno has stretched Carroll's argument to the point that, I'm sorry, he's lying.

[UPDATE: Nicole Wallace, on the other hand . . .]

If some unlawful militia resist by force then - armed rebellion, silent leges. But that is not what Carroll wants to start with. And it's not what he's calling for.

To help Cerno out here, one can explain the stakes of the confrontation without asking for the extreme case. This is the whole point of studying military history (pace this other idiot). Imagine if someone had gone to Bush and Powell in December 2001 telling them, if you go to war in Iraq, it might end up with some West Virginian loserette torturing Sunni Muslim prisoners there, on the international telly. Probably wouldn't have worked, but nobody would accuse the warner of desiring those sick pictures.

Carroll wants The Right in America to quit being stupid and violent. Because, currently, it is both. In its first part, we can thank Mikey C. I pray not the second part.

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