Wednesday, February 3, 2021

How to create your nemesis

Robert Grenier joins Carroll in calling for a counterinsurgency.

Grenier's take is that the USG needs to treat deposed President DJ Trump as if he was Saddam Hussein. This would start with an impeachment trial. This unConstitutional therefore wholly symbolic show-trial would (somehow) prove to Trump's fanbase that he lost a election legally; rather than being deposed by a media conspiracy, riots, forged ballots, and finally refusal to investigate any of that.

Richard Hanania doubts Grenier's competence. I'll follow up on that: Grenier acts like taking out Saddam was mission-accomplished in Iraq and that everything was peachy all along the Sykes-Picot ever after.

What is more likely to happen, to go where Grenier wouldn't, is that Vanilla ISIS (already - we're all agreed - G-dawful) will react to Grenier's prescription by getting even worse. People who believe they've been deliberately disenfranchised, and who are then subjected to insults, and to disarmament (where Carroll's at), can always get worse. There is no bottom. As hard as Carroll hates, the PJMedia commentariat can hate just as hard. Cernovich proves that. So does Robert Spencer.

If you want your national conversation, where to start setting the proper national tone is election integrity. If Trump did nothing else good in 2020 as President, he called shenanigans on our process here as a lame duck.

Oh, to Carroll: although I'm more-or-less on your side (and Grenier's) on your steps #1, #3, and #5; your #4 is very very stupid. It would be a serious escalation to disarm scare-quote "militias". Anyone who states independent militias as armed forces not answerable to the law is gaslighting us. This proves exactly the militias' argument that they are lawful - and necessary. If you move against a law-abiding community, they will resist (I repeat) lawfully. In that event the National Guard becomes the illegal bandit gang, by the way also making your loyalty-oaths (#2) look like some Gestapo tier fascism. This is meanwhile how you get people like Cerno and Spencer gaslighting you right the f# back, claiming you're calling for drone-strikes.

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