Sunday, February 14, 2021

Suicidal tendency

The CoVID-averse side of the 'web, which I am on, perhaps to a fault, sometimes links to Studies that "suicide rates went down last year". I link to a few Studies here but haven't linked to those.

I have reasons for that. The CoVID-averse community, as - unfortunately - now a community, is subject to confirmation-bias as assuredly as the dumbest Ace moron. I went looking, by several engines including Google, for such studies. One prominent one came from Japan that self-murder went down in spring and up in the second lockdown autumn-winter. And now comes the city of St. Francis.

It appears, overall, that due to Trump's Three Good Years the suicide rates and general depressive ideation - awful over Obama's second term - were dropping... in 2019. Then came the Pooh Flu. As people (at first) figured that We Will Get Through This Together, at the start of 2020 things were also going pretty well in the mental field. This is what Japan shows. Later in 2020 is when people started getting the sads. Actual action on that follows later.

This is, then, a warning. Those commenting "echshually the rates are DOWN" are wrong; they were operating from earlier studies, and they weren't seeing the trendlines - just like their opponents late last spring when they said "hey deaths are down!!" as the infections were ticking up.

And to soi-disant Health Nerd's comment: The fact that COVID-19 denialists get really mad when you point out that the data mostly doesn't support a massive rise in suicides at the population level during 2020 is really quite telling. He carefully parses his data and shifts this dishonesty - and callousness - around to namecalling and sadism. h/t HBDChick, who really should have made more clear on what stance she took.

In addition we really do need to be looking into some way to reopen schools safely.

I said "safely". The demon CAN spread in the schools. To stop it means tests, masks, and vaccines; if you're not for all the above, you are not in the conversation and you will continue to lose and to be locked down. San Francisco (and colonies like Austin and Boulder) are situated fairly well to control this spread.

A FEAST OF CHAPEAUX 4/1: Suicides went down... overall. Although: my post here focused at schools and at families dealing with school-aged children. Given the demographics of CoVID SARS-2 deaths, I expect some overlap between obese late-middle-aged men: those who died of the disease, against whether they might have taken the exit early by themselves.

HALP 4/11: Gideon M-K doesn't like it when researchers get all personal against him. How about we all let him and Ioannides have this food fight amongst one another.

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