Sunday, February 28, 2021


Nathan Cofnas got things to say 'bout THE JOOS.

I will preface this post, because I must, to disclose that legally I am Jewish but by religious choice, am now Catholic. This means that I disagree with the Judaic claim to salvation-history, which contradicts the Catholics'. I also must be fair when I think about Jews in the past who done messed it up, most recently Béla Kun. I ran a series a few months ago on Mark Cohen's perspective on Islamic rule, which I hope I was fair about, because I really did appreciate Cohen's work.

As for historic antiSemites in my adopted tradition: I had to put in a good word for John so-called Chrysostom where he opposed the truly evil Cyril; although, I do not consider the truly good Gregory of Nyssa in Chrysostom's ranks. Some of the Patristic attacks concerned the practice of usury unfortunately lawful for Talmud Jews when applied to outsiders. Gregory, so far as I have read him, did not himself write so far as to blame the Jewish bloodline. Chrysostom, most agree, went that extra mile, to his shame.

What I find in Kevin MacDonald's circles is a form of siderophilia. Iron loves iron, and other metals of that sort; in an iron meteorite, you will always find nickel as well. In MacDonald's circles you will find Vox Day and Ron Unz. Alongside the wishes that one could go back in time and drown American Jewry in the Atlantic - which makes one wonder about, forward in time - one also finds the theories that masks do not stop the coronavirus and that vaccines are deadly. One finds other theories here as well, equally noxious.

The "association fallacy"? Maybe. But in these days of plague, Israel did better than most nations. I should sooner associate with Jews than with antiSemites, despite my apostasy.

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