Friday, February 5, 2021

The bullywug campaign

I may have given the impression a couple evenings back that Arcana Evolved broke a perfect system. It did not. The Diamond Throne was already flawed! Today I'm looking into the island Noll. But really this template can be applied to any other campaign stuck on a world with bullywugs in them.

Because that is what Noll smells like: someone's homebrew bullywug campaign tacked into someone else's world. As Fiend Folio outlined them bullywugs are semisentient amphibians who breed... a lot. They impose a moral dilemma upon parties who must decide if genocide is on the table. If not, the froggies comin' right back atcha in a few years.

None of this is particularly new, and Malhavoc's decision to rename them "inchon" or "inshon" or whatever K-pop manhooa name it was fooled nobody. The Lands Of The Diamond Throne arose in part on the axiom that alignment doesn't exist. This axiom was subverted before the product came out by The Dark, which makes undead; but never mind that. Noll and the inshon smell, to me, like they were crafted early in the process, perhaps earlier than undead, to highlight the Moral Ambiguity. Someone forgot to delete them.

Because inshon absolutely can be deleted from the setting. Nobody will mind if they are retconned outta there. Even having them lurk out there in the past as a dead race is unoriginal, given that this is the land of the dramojh.

If we must have not-bullywugs then I suggest to expand the plagiary to pull other sources. Specifically: let's rip off the Mass Effect series. Someone spiked the kurgans' kimchi and made inshons NOT breed so much. Let's say Noll did this after its first run-in with the critters.

My suggestion for an inshon campaign, again if we must have them, is to escort the survivors to Thartholan, where they can hop over to a water plane in conjunction. Or maybe the giants did this before the campaign starts.

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