Thursday, March 25, 2021

Some planets, you just cain't reach

I am reconsidering Earth-Mars backflip, Russell-Ocampo 2-1-1-5. Alongside other cyclers as don't reach Mars' semimajor.

They floated 2-1-1-5 (r 2) 1.45 AU, and 3-5-1-11 (r 2): 1.45 and 1.42 AU for (on their Table 4) 0.94-5 ratio. As for what Martian orbit the cycler hits, it can get anything from Mars' perihelion up to its own aphelion. R-O were, I believe, targeting cycler-aphelion: since my Newton simulator for 2-1-1-5 takes 203 days against their 207; for 3-5-1-11, 222.5 days against their 231. I expect flight-time and V both be worst at cycler aphelion but, at least the cycler has the best hope of actually meeting the planet up there.

Aphelion for <1.53 AU cyclers was explicit in McConaghy so I gather that R-O is just passing that along.

For vinf: the cycler at the red planet is hitting a fictional planet's circular 1.524 AU speed. Since not-Mars is himself at peri', the R-O paper assumes circular 0°. So they get 2 km/s for 2-1-1-5 which I verify 2021 m/s. Based on that logic.

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