Sunday, March 28, 2021

The latest Aurora psycho

Ahmad al-Issa whose family lives in Aurora crossed the Denver metro and did some damage here. You may have heard.

The FBI was looking at this monster for some time but, as usual, let it happen - because, whenever something bad happens under an agency's watch, that just means the agency needs proper funding. Par for the course.

Also noted at one of these newslike outfits was that al-Issa's politics were mixed. Anti-Islamophobia but also anti-LGBT. Gee, wonder what ideology fits all THAT! Likewise a lot of politicals around here remain flummoxed about motive after many man-hours of interviewing. The "counter jihad" community has come to its own conclusions: JIHAAAD

I'll post here my lack of interest with all the options. Jihâd terror does exist. But... it is done for a struggle. Random jihâd is, believe it or not, condemned in Qurân. It is only good for G-d if fî sabîli'llâh - in G-d's path. Doubly so if qitâl.

In that light, conquering northern Mozambique is (by Islam) lawful qitâl. Maybe attacking a gay nightclub. Certainly shooting up an art-exhibit where the Prophet's image is to be drawn. I don't approve any of these actions but they do spread the rule and the fear of that religion and its god.

Some pudgy prematurely-balding khâsir driving 20 miles to shoot random whitoids who, in their spare time, also shun "Islamophobia" is to be filed as a hate-filled loser. Al-Issa did not aid the cause of submission to G-d. He did the opposite. The Islamic god will not reward him.

As to whether the Divine ideology inspired him - well, maybe. But he was a loser. He was going to be inspired by something horrible if his family had tried to raise him in Syrian Jacobite Christianity. He should have shaved his head, lifted weights, and inspired others by example. I'd say he should have converted to Catholicism as well but, we cannot have everything.

PS raḥima Allāhu, Mohammad Anwar. And requiescat impacem, Eric Talley.

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