Monday, June 28, 2021

How you will be robbed

A few weeks ago Curtis Yarvin posted on his "Gray Mirror" substack an argument that inflation is how rich people steal from the rest of us. has Oliver Boyd-Barrett 'splaining the Aithiopia to us.

Unz exists to warn Americans and their mostly-European clients that we're the baddies, or at least our élites are. In that light, Unz's duntzes concentrate on inflationary raids upon "socialist" nations. The Baghistan is wholly uninterested in Red Beanie / Blue Wave bluster about what "socialism" or "capitalism" means or should mean. I get the distinct impression that Unz also doesn't care and allows his poasters to use "socialism" as shorthand for "striving to be economically independent of the West".

When the country's currency collapses, the people spontaneously disassociate from the country - because they have to. Life becomes a mixture of local connexions and of someone else's currency - if they can get it. "Local connexions" becomes local militia sooner than you'd think although civilians remain in denial. And other nations will involve themselves in the militias where they have an interest because, there's no capital-city anymore.

[UPDATE 12/12: I'd been musing lately, but not poasting, that inflation == debt-relief. Which Michael Hudson would be for. So why doesn't Hudson come out in favour of inflation? Duh, the bankers are connected to an international system and, further, have access to gold. In practice only the midrange creditors will be hurt, that is anybody with cash in the bank. Good thing I happened to pop in on my Juneposts today . . .]

Whatever you think of economic policy; where there is inflation, you know that a policy is in place: extraction. It might be West-driven, or it might be local élites who - of course - have that incentive to blame the West. Doesn't matter for this blogpost's purpose. What does matter is what is going to happen next.

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