Sunday, July 12, 2020

The case against Albert Einstein

Larry Romanoff is heir to a century of muttering against the German patent-clerk. Romanoff's brief starts with Patterns Of Behaviour: Einstein relied on his wife Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn's maths from 1903 to 1919 (when it mattered), and the man was loose with attribution to De Pretto (E=mc2, 1905) and to Hilbert and Poincaré (general relativity, 1915). Then Romanoff gets interesting.

Romanoff insinuates that International Jewry chose Einstein and preserved his scholarly reputation. Romanoff doesn't provide much motive, at first. Later, he drops the famed Einstein-Szilárd Letter of 1939.

If you follow Unz, you know that site's main theme is the mostly-united Elders of Zion, who control events through kompromat. Szilárd had conceived atomic fission energy as early as 1933, trusting America to use it as an energy-source and/or as super-dynamite - for New Deal public-works. The Letter is where Einstein attached his name (and celebrity) to the cause of war. Why? Because the Elders wanted to take down the National Socialism (as of 1939, remember that Stalin was a national-Bolshevik also) and America was looking to be the least-Nazi viable state on Earth.

Romanoff has a tendency to overstate his case. As he does with Edison, presenting the evidence as a new revelation where plenty of bloggers have done so already lately; so he does with Einstein-Szilárd 1939, I have copies of correspondence. Get over yourself, Larry; freakin' Wikipedia has copies.

For all Romanoff's bluster, and (maybe) for all Einstein's own, I still see Einstein as important for the development of real energy physics. Szilárd's own biography includes a lengthy stretch 1926-30 helping Einstein with "the Einstein Refrigerator". Here is another patented device with Einstein's name and someone else's work. But. Szilárd kept part of the patent and the moneys thereto. Szilárd also forever owns co-credit for that. Whether the device was overrated, whether it remains fit only for Martian daylight, whether Einstein was involved only for the patent-law... I don't care. (1) It works as designed and (2) Szilárd never resented working with Einstein on this project.

The Zionist Hypothesis would, I suppose, present Einstein at such (commercial) projects as The Mafia Don's Nephew. I think if Einstein was that much of a worthless thief, word would have gotten out earlier. So I doubt it. Or, to be more direct, I trust the word of Einstein's direct colleagues more than I trust the word of the average Unz contributor.

UPDATE 5/16/22: Romanoff is a Protocols crank.

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