Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Venerean Volcanoes

Laurent Montési is looking at volcanoes on/under Venus.

First off, we DO want to keep track of potential bursts of ash into the high atmosphere where we're floating or flying craft. Next that's where I want to pick up phosphorus for the floating farms. Among other ores. We don't get banded iron or other bio/chemical processes here so geology (and craters) be all we get.

Koski & Grcevich (p. 85) had made note of the volcanoes on Lakshmi to Ishtar's west, specifically Sacajawea (which also hosts an impact-crater, Vlata) although Colette could be younger. Also Theia in Beta Regio, or pretty much all Alpha or Lada. Another basin 4° east of Maxwell, Cleopatra, has historically been deemed volcanic, as K & G assume; but it may be a crater.

Montési's crew has tested that, and put them on the globe with a spinning gif. This reiterates that Ishtar Terra is a "shield" like Quebec with no vulcanism on it nor nearby. Several dormants to the west - that is, Lakshmi. Since Vlata wasn't covered over I'm unsurprised.

News to me: an active volcano some distance northwest of Maxwell. And the southern hemisphere, like earth low on continents, is high on volcanoes.

PHOSPHINE 7/13/2021: I am glad I didn't get into the LIFE ON VENUS hype; anyway, more evidence of vulcanism.

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