Sunday, July 12, 2020

The foreign giants on which Americans stand

Unz is getting in on the Wuz Kangz bandwagon publishing Larry Romanoff: debunking in order Einstein, Edison, Bell, Coca-Cola, and the brothers Wright. H/t Vox Populi on Einstein whom he deems the most important.

I'd edit Romanoff, to restrict Edison and CocaCola. I had thought that everyone already knew Edison for a P T Barnum since that Oatmeal cartoonist started making a meme of Nicolai Tesla. And do we even care about sugary soft drinks anymore? These begin and end with Prohibition and 1950s drugstore culture. We have Starbucks now.

And Romanoff is plain unfair to the Wright Brothers. Maybe they did stoooole it frrrom uss, preciouss but I didn't notice Australia (here) setting up an airforce before the Americans. Australia had and still has all the empty land one could want, to test such an invention and for motive to use it internally. I apologise to Larry should this cause offence, but the Snooze?Lose! law applies. If the Smithsonian hasn't yet accepted the Australian claim to the curved aerofoil, that much - if even true - is annoying... but fixable.

I do allow the Italians' genuine beef on Tony Meucci's behalf. Better he had stayed in Tuscany and set up the north-Italian 'phone system, instead of moving to this land of thieves.

As Vox Day intuits, Einstein is the most important target. Although that might wait for a wholly separate piece.

UPDATE 5/16/22: Romanoff is a Protocols crank.

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