Saturday, November 6, 2021

Philosophy as psychopathology

Per David Yaden and Derek Anderson, comes a psychological profile of philosophers.

Findings include: higher interest in numeracy predicted physicalism, naturalism, and consequentialism; lower levels of well-being and higher levels of mental illness predicted hard determinism; using substances such as psychedelics and marijuana predicted non-realist and subjectivist views of morality and aesthetics; having had a transformative or self-transcendent experience predicted theism and idealism

Probably too-good-to-check but, slow day and it's like 10 PM at night - so I shall poast upon't, marry. Just be forewarned on the RED FLAGS on this article.

The abstract does not explain what physicalism, naturalism, and consequentialism mean/s to Yaden-Anderson, so I must hazard guesses. I consider myself a mathematician, so - yeah, mathematical proofs assume that Cause And Effect be a thing. My mindset goes that mathematics help build models that make sense of physics and nature. If that helps?

Doing psychoactive drugs would, indeed, predict that your brain is going to be weird; and if your brain is weird, many of you are going to rationalise how weird is normal and it is the rest of us who are the Sheeple. No real surprise here; I indulge in "midwit"-bashing myself. Although usually I do this where the midwits (to my estimation) are being illogical.

I have not had any "experience" beyond the norm, yet I am a theist. To be fair to Yaden-Anderson, there may exist other experiences within the norm as predict theism. "Agreeableness"? Er...

But yes, people who are internally plain broken do seem inclined against this world and toward the next. If the next world be entwined with this one, that's where we get firm predictions on The Storm: whereby all the oppressors shall meet the White Throne, and JFK Junior shall rise from his untimely grave. Since it is powerful people with Q access who enact this Plan, we poor minions are not responsible for these events - but that is fine, since for such people, they're broken, and they don't really feel in charge of their own destiny in the first place. All this... rings truest of all.

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