Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Venus' big sister

Gliese 3470 on the other side of the Cancri's, 96 light years away, has a planet. This is transiting its star - perpendicularly. The planet is now measured: ten Earth masses, gassy, marked at 325 C. That could be a direct measurement from the Webb.

This puts the planet's temperature between Venus and Earth, so Sudarsky II. Among the gasses is sulfur-dioxide. Apparently that's rare in other planets. Also here is water. Interesting that they don't just say "sulfurous acid". Has anyone checked back on HD 88986? - or maybe these vapours have disassociated from the clouds and that is how we see them . . .

There's methane too; seems that oxygen isn't being liberated from the other elements as it is on Venus. At least not anymore. It likely formed further away and got brought to its sideways-Venus orbit, later. It would have been a heavier Uranuslike out there.

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