Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Spaceships first, then travel

We had... a lot of space news yesterday. Some of which we'll get to. But I'll jump to what I see today which is longterm health in space. We've poasted a few poasts on microgravity mitigation.

The focus today is on kidney damage. Not just stones; damage. It seems that weightlessness causes the kidneys to lose the ability to process calcium.

I vaguely recall that stones can form due to germs damaging the kidney and, well... space does a number on the immune system as well. Something called "quercetin" can help with germs, for short shuttle hops (like the Starliner).

Overall if we get hibernation, which I agree we'll need to reduce food-/oxygen-/water-demand for a long voyage; hibernation too will need to be within spingrav.

EYES 6/19: More fluid-shift. OHIO 6/25: Carnival. MITOCHONDRIA 7/1: Looking at organ-by-organ.

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