Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Wallbuilders' Front

Here in northern Virginia I noticed an ad by the Metro, from the Wallbuilders. This is the Barton family gig of promoting the American Founding-Fathers as Antiochene Bible-believers like the Bartons. They tried publishing The Jefferson Lies under the Thomas Nelson imprint before that got discredited then discontinued.

The Bartons, although discredited even by the Christian academy, seem still to have adherents in Louisiana. How else to explain its governor's attempt to impose some version of the Ten Commandments - as commandments, not as decalogue - into the state's schools. Be interesting to see how "no graven images" will work among the (many) Catholics in that state, whose children not be in the parochial system.

Given that, I find telling that the ACLU went to bat for the Bartons on their right to plaster lies all over the DC Metro.

Believe X or y'aint 'Merken, is the Barton creed. The Bartons are best-compared to the Patriot Front. Except that the Patriot Front have actually read the material.

For those interested in, you know, facts Steven Green seems solid on the history of the church-state relationship here; interesting, anyway, for-example downplaying the Blaine Amendment[-to-be].

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