Saturday, June 15, 2024

Kepler's QHRC

Screw it, I had a nap this afternoon and I'm wired. Let's ring in Johann Kepler - I love this guy. We're now sniffing around AD 1625; his Rudolphine was published 1627. Our constellation be in part IV.

Lucida Coronae as 2-mag is α of course; Johnny K. notched this at longitude × latitude 6°37' × 44°23. Kepler thence marches northeast, with β. Moving back his quae sequitur lucidam will be Flamsteed's lucidam sequens which is γ. So ε corresponds to the one after the one after that, quae hanc rursus comitatur. This is 13°32' × 46°9'. Next one is north so ι.

Of interest: Kepler marks ι 13°02'. So, east of "QHRC". But as Flamsteed will tell us, ι is not east of ε. The nova is however southwest of ε. Did the nova interfere with ε?

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