Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Distributism and AI

Distributism is - historically - a Catholic alternative to Marx. Robert Stark over on Substack is proposing a "techno upgrade". He argues that Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan engaged in its secular version.

I am unsure how well Georgism fits into all this. I just know that Kek's Georgists grew up to be Stalin's men. "Third Way" secular parasocialisms do seem to end at Stalin, or at least Nehru. One fears that Catholic Distributism will end with Salazar, Peron, and the aptly-named Fianna-Fail.

Roko Mijic would propose "Trustless AI" - that is, ensuring that no one corporation corners AI as a "trust" monopoly. Stark also suggests a corporate tax, in progressive tranches like our personal income tax (the one Trump is pondering for abolition).

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