Saturday, June 8, 2024

Don't bring your scuba to Mars

I know this was satire, but it just got funnier. The satire has come to be at Zubrin's expense more than at Musk's. I too am getting laughed-at by proxy, because back in fateful 2020 I believed these reports of liquid lakes on Mars - rather, in it, under the southern caps. Seems like... nah. Big nah.

In all fairness to Zubrin, if not to me, we keep finding water ice. Zubrin's suggestion was for the crater Korolev which was never tagged for subglacial lake.

The real takeaway (despite keeping watch for gullibility) is to remember that humans... aren't there. We're not even in orbit. So the data we get must be interpreted, against models. The models are improving. But incomplete models will yield "AI hallucinations".

SEISMIC 6/25: Maybe the lakes are further down? Seems like all so much crossing-T and dotting-I but then, science sometimes has to work like that.

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