Saturday, February 25, 2023

Guyénot the Monothelete

Laurent Guyénot offers about the most-cogent attack on the Papacy-as-Papacy as we'll likely read. Certainly better than his last confused effort.

Guyénot argues that the Christian religion belongs under a Christian empire which empire incorporates Western Europe and supports local bishops. Guyénot, French himself, suggests Germany and perhaps Russia as well as the nations best suited to anchor such an empire.

Guyénot deliberately does not mention theology - so I will. The formula such a Church requires is Monotheletism - the Church and the State are of one indivisible Will. This is most powerfully stated in the Ecthesis as an outgrowth of the relationship between the Father and the Son. And why not; the formula has been tried and found, in fact, to work...

... for less than a decade, in the AD 630s / AG 940s.

The Papist argument is that European nations should indeed remain small, divided, and weak but fit to produce healthy, united, and strong Christians. These would (ideally) go to war only for just causes, such as a Crusade. This works well with the Libertarianism, for what that is worth.

SO NOW WE KNOW 3/31/23: His whole view on history is wrong. Why trust him?

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