Sunday, August 18, 2024

13 Egeria

In Gilliland's universe, G-type 13 Egeria seems not to exist, its 2.5769 AU = 4.14 year orbit being taken by similarly-carbonaceous "Rosinante". Carbonaceous asteroids generally are clayballs as come from afar. All C types presently this close to the sun should expect a baseline of high eccentricity - as Gilliland indeed sketches for "Rosinante". In our universe however Egeria e=0.083, compare Mars 0.0934. Why so circular?

It happens 13 Egeria is also inclined, 16.539°. Really we should say for "also", "instead": Egeria is suffering the "Kozai" mechanism (actually von Zeipel), trading eccentricity for inclination.

Fictional Rosinante is, I expect, just non-inclined enough to keep its inclination free of Mars. With that plus its 1.32 AU perihelion, it presents a delta-V Hohmann target for Earth not inferior to Mars', given porkchops.

Gilliland has done quite the engineering marvel at Rosinante, and has additional "munditos" at Pallas and Ceres and at Mars' moons, so alt-AD-2039 sports quite the advanced technologic society.

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