Friday, August 9, 2024

Ancient East Eurasia

As sequel to Out-Of-Iran we have Jacob Harringer. As noted some populations went through the tiger-infested surroundings of the Plateau. Some also struck out southeast, to Sahul; and that's whence the bulk of Asian ancestry.

This is the ancestry of the first modern-humans as encountered native "Mousterian" Neanders in Europe, preserved Bacho-Kiro and Oase. Problem: these FAILED. Europe gets its hunter-gatherers later. Harringer isn't discussing them except inasmuch as GoyetQ116–1 preserves their descendents in a quarter of their own genome.

After Bacho-Kiro / Oase split off northwest, next to exit the south-central-Asian hills was a "ghost", not presently found in archaeology. This genome is found instead deep in New Guinean and Australian genomes - like paraDenisovans. I don't know when they met any Denisovans, if it was when they were alone or if their New Guinean descendents did. I do know they didn't touch Timor.


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