Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Out of... Iran

Eurasian human diversity has a Planet Nine issue. Eurasia was first of the Novae-Terrae, our people branching from East Africa in the earlier(?) 60skBC. But our common ancestor isn't that old; excepting "Basal Eurasian" it's more like 45kBC. That implies a bottleneck where a tight population could survive on Stone Age, preSolutrean tech - which implies, besides time, space.

The Iranian plateau is now recommended.

They wouldn't have called it "Iran" at the time - you'd have to pick between those old isolates like Burushaski, Sumerian, and Elamite; arguably also Dravidian, and Northeast Caucasian, and maybe whatever-it-was they spoke in the IVC. Mind: any cluster of absolutely unrelated languages in the same (approximate) place points to a refugium. See also: Mesoamerica, Iberia, and that Caucasus.

We don't have the fossils; this study exists so someone can look for the fossils. Should the Iranians' god allow it.


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