Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Watch for a retraction, if you care

Vox Day and the "died suddenly" cult seem keen on some paper about the VAXX being a nanomachine. Sounds serious; sounds too hot for lizard-people journals like The Lancet much less Science. So: who published it? International Journal of Vaccine Theory Practice and Research. Sounds specialist.

It turns out to be a journal featured on, er, Retraction Watch. This is usually a site for that Replication / Reproducibility Crisis, usually a prime source for us "deniers".

I can make two predictions: first, the nanobot paper will be retracted; second, the VAXX folks are going to ignore the retraction, move onto the next shiny thing, and keep being ghouls when some middle-aged wine aunt dies. (Not that I'll miss her much, either.)

This blog stands by its position that Long Covid and vaccine side-effects both exist, but that the former is worse. It follows that the strictures imposed for social-distancing (and masking) slowed the spread enough for mandatory vaccinations to, basically, kill the bug by summer 2021. For every one Wojcicki down, hundreds of thousands of Millennial / Gen-X single white women are still up. They are not going to die in time for this November's election. They all agree with me that being a "Karen" saved their lives and saved the lives for those they love.

Luckily for Trump, it was his vaccine all along. Maybe Trump should run on it? and maybe Pfizer should advertise accordingly.

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