Thursday, August 22, 2024

Nanoplastic, shmicroplastic

With all the hype about micron-length plastic pieces, which as far as I know have been in all our water since the Second World War, it would be good to know - first - what actual harm they do; then get around to reducing them. So, in order:

@salonium reports on a prelim from "Research Square" under review at Nature Portfolio. That is - it is not peer-reviewed yet, check the link to see for yourself. Apparently that hasn't stopped the Grauniad from plastering this all over the Internet as if it were Settled F&in' <3CIENCE.

All this said, I tend to agree... but it is precisely because we are predisposed to agree, that we should check their work. We've endured a lot of "retraction watches" lately.

For those interested in removing these things without undue cost, here's the University of Missou(ri). They think they can hit 98%.

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