Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The long farewell of the Palaeocene

Today we learn that the Palaeocene ended in two heat spikes. PETM was 56 Mya... and then 2 My later came an Eocene Thermal Maximum 2. The warming had started 58 Mya.

They are correlating oceanic heat with atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Here, unfortunately, I scent marketing. They are touting (not to say pimping) its relation to modern anthropogenic climate change. This might include Atlantic cooling but the authors know which side their bread is buttered on.

In Palaeocene times no native life could build coal-fired factories on Earth. The article is looking to "tectonics". That would have to mean volcanoes given that orogeny - mountain-building - should expose easily-reactive ores as to pull carbon from the air as carbonates. Probably "Eriador".

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