Friday, August 16, 2024

The usual science-molesters

Issues-ampersand-Insights has a screed against the Gerbil Worming. Tonally, it's off; Google doesn't want Adsense on it. Mark Tapscott, who would like us to see Darwin as a "sexist" and who also deems Catholicism as (false) "religion" unworthy of Christ and Calvin, is crying "censorship" as a result.

Which is not to say I deem that purveyor of Russian disinformation Peter Woit any better than Tapscott. He's not willing to host dissent either. Where Sabine Hossenfelder goes after SCIENCE! from the Left... I'd take that more seriously. Except.

I get the scent of tribal signalling. The Gerbil Worming is a truth quite-convenient to the Insulated. They aren't giving up their vehicles.

PS, yo Pete. What's a woman?

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