Saturday, November 21, 2020

Antivaxx Catholicism is errant

If we're taking the SP10 Society as to the right of the Latin Mass's furthest Right, they're going Talmudic on the RNA vaccines. They rule most such vaccines, kosher. Jokes aside I expect the Jews have done the same and that the saner imams will be stamping the halal sign on it, too.

RNA vaccines are based on human stem-cells. On topic of telomere-length those cells' DNA are purest the younger you go - down to the foetal level. And, horrifically, many stem-cells used and abused in medicine have been supplied from medically-induced miscarriages - "abortions", so-called. By Christian ethics this is vampirism. Subhânullâh.

Muh Stem Cellz, dumbed down, was a wedge-issue applied from the Democratic Party to oust George Bush and his Congress in 2004. (Do you hate Science?!) Bush with Karl Rove came up with a Solomonic compromise (that's no compliment), to use a fixed number of abortion-based stem cell lines. To bolster up his now-wavering Right, Bush made a run against homosexual "marriage". Short-term, the plan worked for the Republicans... for two more years. Longer-term, researchers figured out how to make adult stem-cells work for most of their needs; the issue was thusly off the table.

... except for antivaxxer paranoiacs, that is; especially if they can worm their way into Catholic philosophy circles. Here's that Fresno bishop.

Whilst it is true optimization is wickedness (pbuh) this tradeoff does not apply to adult stemcells. It would break caste, as Hindus would say, to use cells from that 1972 abortion; so Pfizer is here problematic. But unless you are in a high-dollar hospital equipped with sub 200 K refrigeration, or living on Ganymede, you are probably not getting Pfizer. We're likely getting Moderna.

Then there's the Problematic of using RNA at all. It reprograms your cells. Yeah... but. It reprograms them according to a peer-reviewed plan. It was not in this plan to make your neurons squirt out Xanax nor to mess with your reproductive system. If it was going to do the former, they'd have coded a vaccine for our mental-patients and violent criminals, and Pfizer would be announcing that - with glee - to its stockholders. The vaccine might do the latter accidentally; but that is hardly a problem for its main market, which is old people and sick people mainly (far) past the dating game.

Science, especially immunology, is hard enough for geniuses. The build-our-burger-back-betters are smarter than the average conservative, yes. But so's the family dog. There's a lot of stupid among our BBBs. No way can they plan out a Vaccine Of Evil.

In short, the antivaxx case has not been made as an ethical case. As a result, it is no problem for Catholics, even paraOrthodox / neoNovatian schismatic exCatholics such as found at Sanctus Pius X. So far the benefits are pro-life, and the moral risk is unlikely-to-nil.

Allow me to be as blunt as is possible for a Catholic: Catholics should take the vaccine before approaching the Eucharistic Altar.

And I better not be seeing Catholics making that antivaxx case on the grounds I have exploded above, because I deem them in moral error. It's a trap! Don't be stupid! sleuther propaganda don't work on me. Such Catholics should find other grounds, or they should repent.

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