Monday, November 2, 2020

Don't kill yourself

I've been involved in American elections for some time now. I was pretty intense in 2004, that everyone not elect Kerry. In 2008 ditto against Obama. In 2016 I had someone to vote for as well as one against. On the side of indifference, in 2012 nobody was on the ballot so I voted accordingly. This year is more like 1996, or 2000. We should vote, but.

My first recommendation is not to kill yourself on Wednesday.

My second might be to note where the two candidates aren't all that different. We can add that we're headed for travel-restrictions no matter what. Except that that stance might drive you to the rope too.

More salient is that a fiscal crisis is on its way, and some aggression by China, and maybe a West Coast earthquake. Europe seems headed for an identity crisis. Either President, and we can add Harris, would handle these events-dear-boy about the same. They don't challenge the ideology like the CoVID nonresponse has challenged (and discredited) libertarianism.

The Democrats would raise taxes, and maybe "give" us Medicare For All. The latter isn't as likely as it looks; the parties just like that issue to run on. As for tax hikes, feh. Higher income just creates more smug rich white people.

The Democrats are better on Big Tech than is Jim Jordan and, above him, that orange haired carney.

There's the antifa riots but what have the Republicans done on those? If you don't like Moloch, consider the same cartoon with Trump and Pence tossing old people to the fire.

I do, on balance, have a preference. But I am not killing myself over it. You shouldn't either.

THE L 11/4 PM: I'm taking it. Vox Day thinks Trump is going to "fight" this. But then, VD was touting TRUMPSLIDE the last four years.

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