Wednesday, November 18, 2020

North Colorado is headed back to lockdown

I saw Red coming the first week of this month when the politicos were threatening Orange. Red arrives on the 20th. Purple is when slowdown becomes lockdown - I expect that's next. Maybe by Thanksgiving; absolutely afterward, because nobody takes this stuff seriously, so the case-count will rise, and the hospitalisations following, and the quiet nurse- and doctor-strike, which is when the shutdowns go ultraviole[n]t.

Thanks, Trump voters!!

On topic, Ace of Spades is officially an antimask site. I fought the Mask War (as FenelonSpoke called it); I lost - I am banned there. I lose all of my battles, where my battles are for others' hearts-n-minds. I literally cannot enlist a fellow Catholic in a debate against witchcraft. Hearts-n-minds are at issue here; we were supposed to be wearing masks and taking our activities outdoors by our own free will. But enough about me...

As masks go, I have pointed you to the antimask side. That's the side which asserts that Building The Wall works against motivated humans, but that building a barrier does not work against freeform floating proteins. I could (and thank G-d for HBDChick for keeping us informed) discuss that masks were always advertised on the "my mask protects you, your mask protects me" paradigm. I could talk about how masks reduce R but only by a set amount - HBDChick did relay a number, I don't recall it, something like 0.25 - which R-minus must be combined with other mitigatives. I could talk about the decade of life lost to the disease. Among those who die outright, mind; not those hit with the Long CoVID - including mental illness.

But I cannot, at the HQ; because I am banned.

We on the Right are being asked, from Right sites, to Stand Up For Free Speech. Exercising that Free Speech on Right sites will get you banned, but they expect us to stand up for their free-speech. Even, or especially, when their free-speech is freedom to speak a damned lie; and our free-speech is freedom to deliver facts with links and to extrapolate accordingly.

We need the Right perspective, say they. After all we hear the Left's takes in all the major media outlets; don't we want a second opinion? (They may hear those takes, but they refuse to listen to these takes nor to acknowledge them. Oh, SCIENCE says . . .)

Maybe we don't, brah.

MUH SWEDEN: Yeah, that. MOAR SWEDEN 11/19: Academy of Sciences asks for masks.

SYSTEMS 11/20: When you will not voluntarily live as civilised men, civilisation will be provided for you. MEANWHILE: This was going on. They still won't mask up.

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