Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Freedom for those who choose to kneel

HBDchick has been slipping into Tribe Blue this last month, most egregiously submitting Doubts and Concerns about the Biden laptop(s). Despite that, sometimes she still remembers to be impartial. So here she retweets this (thither) and that (thither).

The first talks about Swedes having the permission to praise the party line (Islam, here) or to keep shtum. The second talks about how you can keep your freedom as long as you choose to wear a mask in confined foreign spaces.

Does HBDChick Version Two-Point-Oh intend to juxtapose these? My thought is: probably; but I am pretty sure she is no Muslimah. She is inviting comment. So here I comment.

My way out is simple-enough. The society decides what there is to tolerate, and what is intolerable. Westphalia, bitchez: Cuius Regio. Sweden's government has ascertained criticism of Islam to be intolerable; it (earlier) found the spread of CoVID to be tolerable.

Between Islam and spreading plague, I stand with the Muslims. Sweden anyway for awhile supported both. If you like that, by all means move there. Not like they'd stop you.

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