Saturday, January 30, 2021

Explaining the anti-Republican fanatics

Trump lost. I have achieved sufficient distance from the yuuge #losing that I'm up for explaining how the man lost: he attracted more votes than he got in 2016, but not as many as the Not-Trump party gained. And, of course, the Left rigged the shebang; the Baghistan is not your blog to Count Every Vote as if were made by a living human voter. I am here to offer some possibilities as to why the Left felt the need to rig it.

At basis, the Trump coalition by 2020 had made itself odious. Jonah Goldberg explains the QAnon phenonemon and the Jewish space laser. Sure, that's part of it. Not really all of it; the Qtards hadn't really extended their infamy past Youtube comments and Crazy Days And Nights, until the Stop The Steal movement. And as Glenn Reynolds jumped in to point out, WHADDABOUT RUSSIAN COLLUSION. As of November 2020, conspiracy-theories were a wash.

I propose it was more about CoVID. Ace of Spades whined a few weeks ago that Biden had made CoVID his running mate. That's an emotive and slanderous comment fully worthy of its rage-infused utterer. But, also worthy of Ace, there's a truth behind his utterance. CoVID was a winner for Biden. For Whitmer too. The Democrats at least pretended to care. Ace preferred to social-distance himself in his own room and to post anti-LOCKDOWN memes for his horde of fellow shut-in "morons".

As with anti-racists, who attack (other) racists rather than simply avoiding being personally racist, most anti-lockdowners have found it easier to attack anyone explaining the science than to disobey the mandates. Although some have acted on the principles Ace has expounded. They got the attention they demanded.

The Republicans, including Ace, and also "circlingback" to the pious Ed Driscoll spotted exactly ONE HOUR before his link to Goldberg pandering to antimask, are the Plague Party - like it or not. They're the party of the Black Book Of Libertarianism, as of the time of posting with a 449649 butcher-bill.

Did anyone in the MAGA Right actually read Scott Adams' Win Bigly or was it just me? When one is faced with something disgusting and dangerous, in Adams' example a big steamy turd on the sidewalk - don't take its side. When one does, that one has associated xyrself with the disease - to all the world. For the rest of you let's pretend, like Steve Sailer, you're basically on the side of innocent life not getting curtailed before its time. To save 449649 lives - more precisely to delay 449649 deaths - what would you do?

At the least, you wouldn't let the deniers run your lives. Rigging the election or indeed outright manufacturing votes the night after the election isn't the Way Of Kahless, to use a Goldbergism. But it works.

Running the deniers off mainstream platforms also isn't Klingon. But again: it works.

You can call them "fascists" or "authoritarians" or whatever other nasty names you have borrowed from antifa. Those nasty names won't work.

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