Monday, January 11, 2021

Heed the warning! - no, not that one, the other one

Robert Zimmerman reminds of his 9 July warning against genocide. The upshot is, it is enabled when normal decent men refuse to believe the bad news.

That article links to a piece all of THREE DAYS earlier, that argues for . . . refusing to believe bad news, then about CoVID.

That moment in July, CoVID case-count was dropping off and hospitals were getting better at handling the sick. We "alarmists" were arguing it was all plenty bad enough and set to get worse in winter, so we should instead concentrate on a Zero CoVID strategy as had been working in New Zealand.

I am not here (just) to "dunk" on Zimmerman. I'm chasing this guy around the court not because he is a moron, but because he's among the smartest of that side of the Right - the side which just lost.

I'll post about why that side lost, some day. This is not that day. [UPDATE 1/30: This is that day.] For now I will note that the side which has callously cost America 375,000 lives in the space of twelve months - lives clustered heavily in low-paying, minority-staffed positions and communities - is in no moral position to argue against "genocide". Those rioters in DC overlap heavily with the anti-mask / REOPEN NAO protests; including in supermarkets, including on aeroplanes.

Zimmerman's side can achieve a moral position when it takes a stand against plague. Until then, frankly, many people on the side of this culture which Zimmerman accuses of genocidal tendency are taking that side because they fear It's Us Or It's Them.

UPDATE 1/10/22: I linked to Topol above - for the first and only time. I think over the last 365 days I'd scented something hinky about that guy, like about Eric Feigl Ding. I recently got alerted that Topol was a stopcounter; he helped rig - excuse me, fortify the election. Thus contributing to the vax-hesitancy which has killed, and is killing, so many of our people. Evil sociopath, is Topol.

Trying to decide if Topol is as evil as PJM, which is riding this thing for clicks. I am thinking - less. Topol kills his enemies. PJM sucks blood from those it pretends are friends.

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