Thursday, January 14, 2021

Not really Scottish, it's just -

While we're all finding out who our friends are, the Behind The Black site isn't done poasting stupid. Lately: These rioters in the Capitol are not Trump protesters.

That would be news to the crowd Nick Fuentes riled up. GaySeric and his Village People Vandals weren't being told to disrupt the Electoral College on behalf of anti-fascism. They were being told to disrupt those proceedings on behalf of Trump. This was of a piece with a whole subculture of #crosstherubicon hashtagging, which Trump summoned thither personally. Behind The Black wasn't part of that mob; if we're to believe PJMedia, Donald Trump himself was not part of that. So why cover for that?

I don't have very many friends, I admit. The friends I do have are honest. Or at least my friends grant my intelligence and, for that matter, ability to do research some credit. On topic -

One conclusion for BtB's covering for the #RUBICON! mob is that... well, that they're friends. Not BtB and the Orks, I hasten to point out. But certainly BtB and the protest. The mob broke bad and that was when BtB's proprietor decided not just they weren't his friends no mo', which is fair enough; but they were never his friends. Forgive me if I say that might wash in court, but it won't wash for the rest of Planet Earth. Trump marched to the #RUBICON! and all too many of his supporters were cheering him on, until some of his gitz crossed it for him. Up to then those absolutely were BtB's gitz as well.

(And I fully can believe, there were Left agitators in there. See here. This last hour - 5:20-6:20 PM MST - we've learnt of John Sullivan. Because he had a cloning-machine. Or maybe mind-control rays? None of this matters to me. If baseline Conservatives are this easily run amok and bamboozled, maybe they should sit out the next few elections or at least primaries.)

I agree, of course, that the Democrats stole this election. I'm not even taking the coward's way out of Asking Questions. Personally this blog has made peace; I do not demand of BtB that it be so sanguine. We all, however, must figure out how to resist what's coming. BtB failed to warn its gitz not to fall into the 6 January trap. And that site's attempt to extricate the good gitz, who didn't enter the Capitol; with the bad gitz who did, is also a failure. Might I suggest that a truer friend might have informed his readers something to that effect, earlier?

But hey - let's Reset, Grandly. If we're starting over from today, a good stance is Roger Simon's stance: don't go to the Inauguration. It's glowing so hard with Feds, it's in X-Ray frequencies. Sun Tzu has words about when and where to meet the enemy. Hint: not where he wants.

For the months ahead, the BtB blog should stick with space, and with "space capitalism".

FREN 1/11/22: Zimmerman lost some frens. Well what did he expect; he done told them in public he was done considering them his friends. And what do ex-friends do? They say you can't come 'round here no more. Those are the rules.

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