Sunday, December 25, 2022

Laplace's longitudes

Here we go: for generalised Laplace longitude λ, resonant-angle φ12 = qλ1 + pλ2 + (p - q1,2. p and q here are the p:q integers although, yeah, first-order such that p = q+1.

We know Europa/Ganymede (like Mimas/Tethys &c.) is just φ23 = λ2 - 2λ3 - ϖ2,3. After some definitionals and mathematics which the arXiv did for us already, the angles on our station:

φ2s = 3λ2 - 4λs       + ϖs
φs3 =       2λs - 3λ3 + ϖs

The latter is like φbc for TOI-1136 although, of course, φcd was 2:1 over there. Subtract 'em out and: φ2s3 = 3λ2 - 6λs + 3λ3. So, when λ23 at conjunction which we'll define as zero, λs = -180°/6 = -30° so, behind them in their common rotation. I'll leave to the nerds how to transform the vector.

For Europa/Ganymede (far more so than Ariel/Umbriel) we must always remember that at 0° conjunction, Io's λ1 = 180°. Really -180°, pulling our station back. Simultaneously Europa and Ganymede are all pulling our station forward; mighty Ganymede upward, at that. Hence libration. Which we're not competent to do here; especially considering Jupiter's own tide.

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