Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reddit's map

They're letting us out early again, although again personally I'll have a bit to do later. But 'til then: a free moment. CuriousMetaphor's subway-map of the Solar System, per Delta-V.

This assumes transfer-orbits, i.e. Hohmann. This also assumes that we are not using assists, which may or may not be available in your century. Savings from manifold-surfing in Libration halo: not here. In that spirit CuriousMetaphor is not considering the (lesser) delta-V to go from Earth right to Uranus/Neptune on biëlliptic. On the other side of delta-V also not considered are cyclers which might get you there faster and, to boot, recycle the container. Lastly it's all quite rule-of-thumb given the Martian ellipse, the (lesser) Earth ellipse, and the Earth/Venus shifting angles. Mercury's in there too, basically to show us how we can't get there from here.

Also-also not considered is that we might be taking delta-V from Venus orbit to these other planets, instead of from Earth: but maybe that's reasonable, because from Venus all these delta-Vs will be greater. By less than 280 m/s but, greater. So it is on me to note that from Venus you do get the biëlliptic option Saturnward. Also Venus lines you up for transfer windows more frequently than Earth does. There's that 27 km/s to get off of Venus' surface but if you're on the surface, you're dead already.

As rule-of-thumb CuriousMetaphor has done us all a real favour in producing this map.

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