Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Nashville bomber was a Conservative

When the Nashville bomber went off without killing anybody, I knew it wasn't ISIS and probably not Qaeda or Hezb, either.

When I started seeing people in PJMedia / Instapundit comments mooting it was a "false flag", that's when I knew that somebody who frequents PJMedia and/or Instapundit did it. Cernovich is only proving my point, to the point I am willing to post this comment here on my blog.

When you get this many Righties (or libertarians) floating paranoid theories about how the Left will use a criminal event, that means someone on their side screwed up and committed said crime and got caught. Given that conspiracies are, well, hard; the public failure of a conspiracy is always more likely than the success of a counter-conspiracy.

LONER WHITEBOI 12/29: oh yeah, called it. This ain't no Biden voter. Ain't no Romney either.

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