Monday, December 21, 2020

Apocrisary Viganò is outside grace

The former nuncio to the US, Cardinal Viganò, is considered almost a shadow Pope to nonJesuit Catholics. Viganò has opinions on CoVID, both on how it formed and on how bad it is. He got this information from supernatural entities, one must assume, because he sure isn't paying attention to the biological literature.

For background we know how a milder strain of CoVID can become more virulent. It doesn't happen in a lab; 2019 CRISPR isn't good enough. This one looks like it came out of virus evolution with a chronically-infected individual. That is: by someone under close observation treated with convalescent plasma. Probably some powerful rich dude getting treatments we proles don't (incidentally why Trump and Newsom don't take this seriously in their own human-interactions). The MRSA experience is probative: such mutations easily happen in a hospital.

More general mutation happens when case counts are allowed to rise. It is happening now.

In his latest screed - it is a screed - the Cardinal accuses China of manufacturing CoVID in a lab, which at the same time is merely "psycho pandemic". So at the same time, a maleficent Frankenstein monster and, also, not really a big deal.

In other words, Viganò is doing the same basic-bitch Unz / Ace / Vox Day / PJMedia tail-chasing we've seen too many times before. He's going antivax too based on the lie that "the vaccine" is made from human abortions. It is not. So Viganò is errant.

When this poor man bangs on about Freemasons and against the "Great Reset", take all this into consideration, that we're dealing with a madman or worse. (And didn't we used to have a word for "Reset"? Jubilee?)

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