Thursday, December 17, 2020

State punishment

The Irish cops arrested a maskless. A fine is more like it!, is the sentence HBDChick would lay down.

Here in the States, we do have a system where we fine, not arrest and imprison, violators. If you are following the Right here, even this is "dehumanizing". The people serving the warrants are Just Following Orders - they are Nazi Gestapo. In the eyes of the American Conservacon.

We either have laws, or we do not. We either serve warrants or we do not. If you are imposing fines upon violators; then, you are extorting money from them, on pain of imprisonment. And if you think that this disease is an existential threat, then you will quarantine those who will not quarantine themselves - even in the limited sense of wearing a mask in an enclosed space.

Trust me, they don't respect your half-measures; so you shouldn't bother, either.

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