Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Suppose we lower Venus' atmospheric temperature

When I was looking at floaty farms I worried about how hot they would be where the air-pressure was right. On topic, here is Bill and Melinda on lowering Earth's temperature. This is PJMedia, so it's full of the usual insanity; take into consideration, in this instance, that Bill and Melinda are even more insane.

All this said, I can see this notion's merit when the Sun itself is working against us. That's not Earth now, but it will be in 500 million years. And frankly it's Venus now.

This is not a Terraform Venus! post, precisely. I like to start modestly. I do think Venus could be made less infernal, especially up in the atmo where we're going to be spending our free time.

Where that would affect this project, firstly, would be in lowering the solar power our machines could use. Also the polar vortex would suck dust-particles out of the mix, so we'd have to keep adding to them - perhaps by pumping sulfur out of the clouds up to the stratosphere. I think polar balloons might rise above it all, so its solar power would stay about the same. I'd worry a bit about how to fly aeroplanes through the now-sulfur-laden high altitudes. The farms below might be okay if we're shielding mostly the infrared.

One short-term idea might be to run a massive screen at SVL1 Lissajous halo. Unsure how that would compare to pumping sulfur. It would reduce the ionic wind, any equatorial cloud farming, and the umbral harvest. Do that first and see how Venus works, then try adjusting that planet's chemistry. UPDATE 12/13/21: Better idea, because we actually get useful volatiles: the Ring.

Quite literally, please, do not try this at home.

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