Saturday, May 9, 2020

Let's read: Adlatum

When I was looking around for the Dragonlance landmasses, and thinking about why the planet should need more land than the main campaign had got, I ran across the fan project Adlatum. I read the pdf, too.

I couldn't figure this project out, at first. Then I realised why: it's like that Judges Guild Wilderlands of High Fantasy box. There's lore for every. Single. Darn. Hex on that map. But if someone is just looking from the outside, that's not what he wants: he wants a high-level understanding of what he's looking at.

Dragonlance certainly dumped a high-concept quest on Ansalon: Mormon Crusaders Against Evil. I'd argue we can find similar on Taladas too - this large island is Takhisis' Plan B, and Hiddukel's Plan A; so any humans around had better plan some way around both plans. Other fantasy settings, for gaming, don't need one big theme because they support so much to do on the smaller level.

For Adlatum, I had to go to the FAQ. (It didn't help that the PDF, on download, is secured against Acrobat Reader comments. Be Better, Benjamin Jacobson.)

The FAQ tells us that the PDF intends background for the Midland Civil War. This is, currently, the fight between the Midland Sovereignties ... and the Tashrama. Later, so they say, this war will flare into a knock-down, drag-out over interpretations of some Prophet's Scriptures. So, the setting does have a theme: 1618 Germany. Or Guelph / Ghibelline northern Italy.

Adventurers come to Adlatum to rule and defend baronies. If they're in wandering parties, the MacGuffins they seek are involved with the Prophet's Writ. Some old library could be raided here, some "heretic" needs escorting there - overall the player-characters must End This War.

If I have interpreted the FAQ right, then I can dig it.

I remain unsure what all this has to do with the dragon-lance. I remain unconvinced that this vision of Adlatum has any reason to exist on Krynn.

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