Monday, May 25, 2020

The new south

I've redone the Shadow Lands' south. Really, its south and southwest:

Alfheim and Darokin stay in the same place since that's not up to us. The Red Rock Bellows is also in place lest there's a volcano up there (Karameikos?). Otherwise I've cut the southernmost and southeasternmost caverns off. Tho' Rastignac remains in place, for the sake of argument.

The Dragon Lake is wider north-south by two hexes, 16 miles. There's a watergate leading out southwest, and a bypass to the Lost Souls between that and beleaguered Dunedea. All the southwest, where not deleted, is shifted south. Losetrel city included - so the Warrens connect to that cavern's badlands.

The Desert of Lost Souls is now broken in thrain, if that's a word. The three stagger southwest to northeast. The southwest cavern keeps the fertile Elmglow south of that. Starwind is still in there as well.

As to the easternmost third of this cavern, the original map had marked it by the un-elflike name, Land(s) of Doog. Its name looked trollish to me at first, but now the cave belongs to the geonids South Of Alfmyr. So it is fertile. Since it's got to drain somewhither I'm draining it into the Dragon Lake's newer, longer eastern shore. That river will be more like upstream Lethowan, so the least of that lake's inflows.

I assume that Elmglow is haunted. Durdael and Selinae are either ruins, or moribund colonies. I've plain deleted Melawae, but maybe it will exist in some future or distant past. Sylaros and Durfyn amount to the Losetrel's forward march against - well, everything down here; but especially the dead. Gilaen / Ilrondal is further from the Elmglow, so not haunted, and safer.

If you don't see a hex-pattern on this map, that's the extra space added. It is terra incognita and the DM may add whatever. I can suggest new Warrens, more land for Losetrel, a small island in the Dragon Lake (north of Dunedea is my pref'), bigger Ilrondal - as I said, whatever is desired. Heck, you can even restore some of the caves I deleted - starting with that massive and inhabited Salandia-Starpoint cavern. Although I'd push that one further east.

The haunting of the south Goes To Eleven after that moron finds what's left of the Crown, fixes it and tries it on. The Doog cavern then becomes the desert badland we know from the gazetteer. I expect also the dead guy builds various strongholds along his borders, kidnaps some elves and geonids to boost his army-of-darkness, attacks Dunedea and Gilaen and Sylaros, pollutes the Dragon Lake, corrupts Renathys, and generally has an absolutely wonderful time at the elves' expense.

RESTORATION 5/27 : Downstream the Sojourner, after Gilfyn drains into it, is ... something. The elves have posted three (3) fortifications against this frontier: Sylaros, Durfyn (probably an aerie), Bathadia. That something is not Darokin, and it's certainly not geonids. Sylaros and Durfyn confront the living dead, and the Bathadia might corral runaway spiders before they get further and escape downstream. Durfyn in particular is put there for some reason. The map has somewhere to put that reason: Mylandiel. So, let's keep it. The original map separates that toroidal cavern's northern mud from the river, so I connect them by tertiaries.

If there exist elf mines or a "village" beyond that, these are wildcat operations - not unlike Gilaen.

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